As you can see from the new picture that I put up, I now as the proud owner of the Golden Cricut. I was pretty much worth all of the 8000 reward points I turned in to get it. I just LOVE sure if I will use it or just put it in a display case. Decisions...decisions...LOL
Going to move my messy scrapbook room into the living room to give me more space. My husband said I could paint it beige like the hallway and entryway, but he is sadly mistaken...thinking either neon green and neon pink or pink and purple and maybe some neon green. He will probably go balistic, but we are putting up a wall and a door, so he will only see it if he 'asks' to come in.
I have been busy buying up new toys to play with after retirement day...can't believe how fast ProvoCraft is coming out with cartridges, think I need a big stash saved for all of them...
OK, 4 more days of work...then Bliss!
God Bless,